Kratos: No! You are not ready - stay back!Ītreus: Father! Above you! Watch your right!Ītreus: Draugr? They’ve never come this close to our woods before.Ītreus: Uh… deer’s this way. (Atreus tries to take back his bow, but Kratos doesn’t let him) Find. Kratos: (screaming) What are you doing? Now its guard is up! Only fire… (deep breath) Only fire when I tell you to fire. Kratos: You are hunting dear - not chasing it.Ītreus: He broke our bridge… how are we gonna get across?Ītreus: Woah. I keep looking.Ītreus: Huh… Close, but also not deer. Kratos: I need to know you can survive the journey.Ītreus: Tracks. She taught you to hunt?Ītreus: Father… why are we doing this now?
Try not to dwell on it.Ītreus: Lo, there do I see my Mother. THE MARKED TREES The Pyre Ītreus: Did something change? The forest feels different now. Of course, I’ll still try to convey the maximum of what is in the game, but if you speak Icelandic, please correct my translation attempts.īoy: Still want me to tie it to the boat?
Usually, in my scripts, I give an approximate translation of foreign words into English, but Icelandic goes far beyond my knowledge. Note: The game uses real Icelandic language for titles and spells.